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Gaithersburg Roofing: Article About The Benefits Of Energy Efficient Roofing

Seneca Creek Home Improvement: Certified Gaithersburg MD Roofers
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Hot and humid weather is a part of life in many areas, and that means increased home energy costs for cooling. Many homeowners seek to rein in costs by installing more energy efficient home cooling systems, adding better insulation, swapping in more efficient windows and making various other changes. However, few consider the impacts their roof may be having on temperatures inside their home. An energy efficient roof, properly installed by a trustworthy Gaithersburg roofing professional, could result in significant long term savings for many homeowners.

As anyone who has ever spent time on a typical roof can attest, roofs can become extremely hot during warm weather. That's because traditional roofing materials may absorb as much as 85 to 95 percent of the energy from the sun's rays, rapidly heating the surface of the roof and radiating that heat to the surrounding air. On especially hot days, a typical roof can reach an astounding 150 degrees or more. That heat can raise the temperature inside the home significantly, leading to higher energy bills and bigger environmental impacts.

Conversely, efficient roofing materials and construction methods reduce the temperature of the roof and inhibit the transfer of heat to the living space below. Many so called "cool roofs" absorb less than 30 percent of the sun's energy and retain the heat for shorter periods of time, producing temperatures that can be more than 50 degrees cooler than traditional roofs.

The roofing experts at Seneca Creek Home Improvement of Gaithersburg MD can assist you with any questions regarding roofing, gutters or doors.

Studies have shown that a cool roof can lower the cost of home cooling by as much as 40 percent compared to an asphalt roof.

Energy efficient roofs can be made from a range of different materials, but the most popular are tile and metal. Clay and concrete tiles are common choices since they naturally have a higher thermal emittance than other materials, meaning they release absorbed heat more quickly than other roof types. When coated with special high reflectivity paint, they can become highly efficient without sacrificing aesthetics. Metal roofs may seem like an unusual choice, but they can actually be even more efficient if painted with highly reflective paint in a light color. They also offer excellent durability to stand up to the worst weather of many areas.

One final benefit of a cool roof is increased longevity. Lowering the temperature of the roof's surface protects against the stress and damage that can be caused by extreme heat, extending the lifespan of the roofing materials. In a climate that experiences warm, sunny weather nearly year round, homeowners looking to reduce their utility bills are highly advised to contacting a professional about more energy efficient roofing.

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