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Gaithersburg Roofing: Article About PVC Roofing Material Sustainability

Seneca Creek Home Improvement: Professional Roofers Gaithersburg MD
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Most homeowners are familiar with shingles, ceramic tiles and other roofing materials used in the neighborhood. Another material that's often overlooked is polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. This specialized plastic used to be exclusive to industrial and commercial applications, but today's homeowners are finding this material to be perfect for guest homes, low-slope applications and flat roofs. With the help of a Gaithersburg roofing professional, homeowners can install sustainable PVC and take a major step toward having a new, long-lasting roof.

Homeowners may be concerned about their impact on the environment. Shingles are usually constructed of asphalt, which is derived from fossil fuels. When fossil fuels are used for manufacturing purposes, they emit harmful gases into the atmosphere over time. PVC only uses a small amount of fossil fuels in production, making it less harmful to the environment. Even when PVC slowly breaks down, it releases very little gas into the atmosphere.

Another sustainable aspect of PVC is its color. While homeowners love a rich brown or black for their shingles, these dark colors absorb heat and warm the home. PVC usually comes in a light color, such as white.

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The light color reflects sunlight and heat, allowing the home to remain cooler even during the hottest days. Homeowners can observe the difference for themselves by simply comparing energy bills. Air conditioning isn't needed as much when homes have light-colored roofs.

Not every home is equipped with traditionally sloped roofs. Many of today's homes use low-slope or even flat roofs across an entire structure. Shingles don't work for these applications because water flows easily underneath the sections. PVC covers the roof neatly with few areas for possible water leakage problems. For some homeowners, PVC looks better aesthetically, creating an improved curb appeal.

Because PVC consists of plastic resins, it is remarkably resilient to weather. Shingles break down over time, releasing tiny granules as rain and snow deteriorate the surface. PVC is known to last between 40 and 50 years with the proper maintenance. Its lifespan usually depends on the initial installation expertise, however. When the material is installed properly by an experienced contractor, it's almost impossible for moisture to infiltrate the material and harm the structure below.

Interview several contractors to verify whether PVC will work for a particular application. Homeowners should also discuss if roofers are experienced with PVC installations. Selecting a professional with an extensive PVC background ensures a high quality and long-lasting roofing installation.

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